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Hearing Back from Law Firms, Assessment Centres & Interview Tips - 2019 - 2020

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Valued Member
Jan 26, 2020
Anyone heard from Irwin Mitchell yet? Wondering if they send out rejections/invites to the next stage in batches or as they review each application

Still on hold for Links as well


Legendary Member
Future Trainee
M&A Bootcamp
Sep 12, 2019
Just had an AC and I was initially happy with my performance but I’m just overthinking everything. Anyone ever been in position where they didn’t think they spoke about everything they wanted to? Feel like I’ve missed opportunities during the conversation to bring up things I definitely know about but just didn’t mention that could’ve really made me stood out further :(


Legendary Member
May 16, 2019
Just had an AC and I was initially happy with my performance but I’m just overthinking everything. Anyone ever been in position where they didn’t think they spoke about everything they wanted to? Feel like I’ve missed opportunities during the conversation to bring up things I definitely know about but just didn’t mention that could’ve really made me stood out further :(
May I ask what firm?


Legendary Member
Premium Member
  • Jun 2, 2019
    Just had an AC and I was initially happy with my performance but I’m just overthinking everything. Anyone ever been in position where they didn’t think they spoke about everything they wanted to? Feel like I’ve missed opportunities during the conversation to bring up things I definitely know about but just didn’t mention that could’ve really made me stood out further :(

    Yes, this has happened to probably everyone. No point in overthinking it now (although it is hard not to), just wait for the call :)
    • 🤝
    Reactions: jan28 and Daniel Boden


    Legendary Member
    M&A Bootcamp
    Junior Lawyer 2
  • Aug 14, 2019
    Just had a rejection post-app for an application I was really proud of and had spent days on.

    Wish I could get feedback on it/know why it was unsuccessful.

    Any tips on this?


    Legendary Member
    Highest Rated Member
  • May 16, 2019
    Just had an AC and I was initially happy with my performance but I’m just overthinking everything. Anyone ever been in position where they didn’t think they spoke about everything they wanted to? Feel like I’ve missed opportunities during the conversation to bring up things I definitely know about but just didn’t mention that could’ve really made me stood out further :(

    Dont worry. It happens. It probably went way better than you think but just not in the way you wanted it to in your head.

    Regardless of the outcome, just take every experience as an opportunity to learn and get better.

    Kobe Bryant missed 1000 more shots than any other player in NBA history yet he still was one of the best! I hope that helps in some way :)


    Star Member
    Feb 2, 2020
    Just had an AC and I was initially happy with my performance but I’m just overthinking everything. Anyone ever been in position where they didn’t think they spoke about everything they wanted to? Feel like I’ve missed opportunities during the conversation to bring up things I definitely know about but just didn’t mention that could’ve really made me stood out further :(

    I empathise with the feeling. Not sure I've ever felt as though I performed to the best of my ability. The best piece of advice I have gotten on this is that it's never as bad outwardly as it is internally. Those interviewing you are not privy to the self-doubt in your head, nor the model answers you know you could have given. You did better than you think and hopefully this time the cards will be in your favour.
    • 🤝
    Reactions: jan28, Daniel Boden and Camilla
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