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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25


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Jul 31, 2024
Hi guys! I was wondering if anybody in the thread passed the Dechert written assessment? In that case, would you mind if I reached out and asked some questions? Unfortunately, I failed it but I'm eager to learn what I did wrong so I can improve. It's my first time doing an assessment of that kind and they don't provide feedback, so I'm hoping to just see what successful applicants did right and compare it to my approach :) anyways, just reply to this message if you're happy to have a chat!


Legendary Member
Feb 17, 2024
For the TW application I am struggling to write 2500 characters (around 350 words) using just one example: 'Taylor Wessing has its core values (Excellence, Creativity, Responsibility, Teamwork, Integrity and Respect). Tell us, through an example, how you have displayed one of these. {provide answer of 2500 characters' Would it be ok to write around 1200 characters instead? Or should I just try to bulk it out


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  • Aug 21, 2021
    I got rejected from White and Case post app, but I know you can re apply for a direct TC in the same cycle (I think), might be an absolute reach, but I have completed 2 vac schemes and work in a firm, do you think I may have been rejected because the firm may think that I don’t need to do a vac scheme as I’m fairly experienced, or is that one big reach? lol @Jessica Booker


    Legendary Member
    Nov 10, 2024
    I got rejected from White and Case post app, but I know you can re apply for a direct TC in the same cycle (I think), might be an absolute reach, but I have completed 2 vac schemes and work in a firm, do you think I may have been rejected because the firm may think that I don’t need to do a vac scheme as I’m fairly experienced, or is that one big reach? lol @Jessica Booker

    Whether or not it's a reach, I think the takeaway here would be that, if you want to, you do have the experience to apply for direct TC so could have a crack at that after improving your application a little (although it might not need to be improved - hard to say since they won't give feedback, but nothing is perfect)
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    For the TW application I am struggling to write 2500 characters (around 350 words) using just one example: 'Taylor Wessing has its core values (Excellence, Creativity, Responsibility, Teamwork, Integrity and Respect). Tell us, through an example, how you have displayed one of these. {provide answer of 2500 characters' Would it be ok to write around 1200 characters instead? Or should I just try to bulk it out
    I wouldn't "bulk" it out for the sake of it, but I sense there is probably more detail you can build into the example to ensure it is closer to the character limit. Are you using the STARR format to structure your answer?


    Star Member
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    Jun 7, 2024
    Hi @a1024 the basic answer is that you should still deal with the same 3 big questions (why commercial law, why the firm, why you) in the cover letter but that you should also (i) employ a more narrative structure - walk the reader through your journey and decision-making rather than giving pointed paragraph answers for each; and (ii) focus on personal experiences more. I have wrote a longer post discussing this in more depth, I have quoted it bellow
    thank you so much! this is definitely really helpful!

    just wanted to know if you would recommend putting my address and the firm's address in the start of the cover letter or directly starting it with "Dear Graduate Recruitment"?

    Amma Usman

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    Sep 7, 2024
    Hi @Jessica Booker @Andrei Radu @Ram Sabaratnam @Amma Usman

    I am applying to Kennedys and the deadline is on the 29th, I would really appreciate it if you could provide any guidance on how to answer the questions below as they both are very similar. (Please note that I have not interacted with the law firm before at all) Thank you!!

    1. Reflecting on your research and any interaction you may have had with the firm, what has encouraged you to apply to Kennedys? 1500 characters

    2. What specific aspects of Kennedys' culture, values, or work have inspired you to pursue a training contract with us, and how do you see yourself contributing to our firm? 1500 characters

    Hey @pleasepleaseplease , great questions. I remember having the same questions when I was applying as well.

    I have a few thoughts on each question.

    1. This is essentially the ‘why X firm’ question. I always fell into the trap on talking about things that didn’t matter here. For example, I would talk about things like an international reach or pro bono. This was a horrible approach, as it could easily apply to many firms. I would talk about things like the opportunity to work on Windrush initiatives, which many international firms do. Here, the best way to show demonstrated interest is by focusing on the work - the practice areas. Now, it‘s also not enough to talk about practices for the sake of them, because again - many firms have the same practices. I remember once being asked at an AC why I wanted to work at the practice I mentioned in my application. I expanded on this, but the next response was ‘okay.. many firms have this practice - what is it about our practice that appeals to you’?. This got me thinking, and made me realise that I didn’t do enough research. Of course, I didn’t get the vac scheme offer because I didn’t have industry awareness then. So, within each practice at a firm, deeper research will make you find out more about their niches- this is what makes them stand out. Let me give you an example below;

    Latham, White & Case, and HSF are among a class of firms with a strong presence in emerging markets, particularly within Africa and the energy/project development sector. Now, it’s funny because many firms have energy and project development practices. However, these firms have a strong presence in emerging markets in Africa - this is their niche. If you have an example of how this resonates with you as a candidate, you’ve not only showed demonstrated interest - you’ve showed specific interest. This is what’ll make your application stand out. Adopt a similar approach to your research on Kennedys, finding a niche in their practices which appeal to you and I’m sure you’ll nail this question.

    2. I was a bit surprised seeing this question at first. Most firms I’ve been to shy away from asking candidates to talk about their culture, or frown on it when included in an application. The reason is because it’s difficult to know a firms culture unless you’ve experienced it. However, for this to be asked in their application, you know it matters to the firm - so take your time with this. Have a skim through their website to see the values. If you can schedule a quick chat with a future trainee (note I didn’t mention associates as future trainees will often be more responsive on LinkedIn), then you can talk about these values and cultures in a strong and specific way. This is cause you’ve spoken to someone that’s seen it. Then, link it to an experience where you’ve thrived in a similar environment as this will show them you can thrive in theirs too. I believe this will just make your answer way stronger. Next point is on how you see yourself contributing to the firm - focus on the skills which could be transferred from your past roles, any of your passions, etc. See the firms existing strategy - how can you improve on this/build it/ make it better/ make it revolutionary!

    Hope this helps, and I’m sure @Jessica Booker @Ram Sabaratnam @Andrei Radu will have more ideas.

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