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Hearing Back from Law Firms, Assessment Centres & Interview Tips - 2019 - 2020

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Legendary Member
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  • May 29, 2019
    Rejection from BCLP earlier today, bit disappointed as I reached ac last year and really like the firm but it wasn’t meant to be. On to the next! Hope those still waiting receive better news :)
    Sorry to hear that :( I also got to ac last year at BCLP but haven't heard back yet. Did you change your application much? On my feedback call they advised me not to change anything major and now i'm wondering whether I have should have done..
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    Active Member
    Nov 30, 2019
    You'll hear back soon - it doesn't help that it's the holidays as most people are still out of the office until today or Monday.

    Unfortunately it's difficult to say what the deadline is. Some forms will put a number of days on as a deadline, as a matter of fairness to all candidates, others will have a define just based on their recruitment schedule.

    Is there no way you can do it while you are abroad? All you’d need is a device and wifi.

    Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for your reply, the firm just got back to me yesterday. Have time till January 10th to do the interview. I was cautious to click on the interview link but apparently if you do, it tells you the deadline.


    Active Member
    Nov 30, 2019
    The deadline is actually 10 January! If you click on the link that is provided within the email inviting you to VI, it will redirect you to the page that specifies that you will have until 10 January to complete it :)

    (Please do double check it, though - I believe the deadline should be the same for everyone but it is still best to make sure yourself!)
    Thanks Dominika! I was afraid to be clicking on anything until I am ready to take the interview but you are right, it is January 10th :) The firm got back to me last night.


    Active Member
    Nov 30, 2019
    Hi, did they mention that they solely recruit candidates for their TCs from VS?


    i would also like to know the answer to this question. I feel that I am not ready to submit a strong application by VS deadline but have a better chance if I apply directly to TC which has July deadline.

    Bugsy Malone

    Legendary Member
    Commercial Writer
    Junior Lawyer
    Jun 24, 2018
    Sorry to hear that :( I also got to ac last year at BCLP but haven't heard back yet. Did you change your application much? On my feedback call they advised me not to change anything major and now i'm wondering whether I have should have done..

    Yeah that's why I was a bit disappointed, I didn't change mine much. Hope you get better news!


    Legendary Member
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    Sep 16, 2018
    Rejection from BCLP earlier today, bit disappointed as I reached ac last year and really like the firm but it wasn’t meant to be. On to the next! Hope those still waiting receive better news :)

    I reached AC in 2018 for direct TC and then in 2019 for summer vac didn't get passed the written app! Was gutted that first year as I really liked the firm, after then I learned to try not to get your hopes up or put all your eggs in one basket.

    Sh*t happens - really does come down to luck sometimes and playing a numbers game.

    Will be applying for BCLP's 2020 summer vac soon.

    Keep going though, don't lose faith!
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    Active Member
    Feb 6, 2019
    Hi there,
    Does anyone know if Travers Smith test invites are automatically sent out? Or is there an initial screening first?
    Thanks a lot! :)

    There aren't any online tests for Travers Smith if that's what you mean:)


    Does anyone have tips for the Macfarlanes Vac Scheme AC? :) Thanks so much :D

    Written exercise: There is some basic maths involved to work out a factual answer before you write a longer piece. The maths is not difficult so don't let it throw you even if you think you're not good at maths. Make sure you get the right answer (but it's very time pressured so there is a balance between making sure you're right and getting on with the actual writing). Write as clearly as you can not using legal jargon and try to finish to show you've planned your time but don't panic if you don't (lots of people won't).

    Interview: Commercial aspect and competency questions. For the commercial bit, try to pre-empt the questions and read it carefully. It shouldn't be too alien and is quite clear. The competency questions seem quite odd, think there's a list that they just stick to and none of them will be much of a surprise but it isn't very spontaneous. There is the classic why law, why here, commercial story that interests you... be prepared to be challenged on these so have solid answers.

    Group exercise: Is commercial in nature unlike some firms but again very accessible. Do the usual not talking over anyone or being too dominant but making sure you say something. Try to only speak when you have a useful point or suggestion as they will see through meaningless fillers.

    There are quite a lot of people there, but don't let it put you off. Is quite a friendly vibe. Think you spend a bit of time sitting with a trainee if I remember rightly- be nice obviously as it's not assessed but they may just say oh I liked him/her or no I didn't. Overall it's a fun day and a good level of challenging.
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    Distinguished Member
    Nov 21, 2019
    Hi All! I also got an invite for the video interview from DAC Beachcroft but I am concerned there is no deadline mentioned within the email. I am currently travelling and unable to complete it. I emailed the grad recruitment team letting them know I will not be able to complete it until I am back in UK but since its the holidays, I have not heard anything back. Anyone dealt with this situation before?
    Hi, congratulations on the VI invite.
    I just gave my VI and the deadline has been postponed to the 1st of feb. Hope that helps!
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