Secure a Training Contract with your Dream Law Firm

Get past the application stage this year. We get you there through a 4 month application bootcamp of live teaching, goal tracking and firm-specific workshops.

Turn away vacation scheme offers this year

The largest global law firms receive over 2,000 applications for their winter, spring, and summer vacation schemes each year. They can only choose about 5% to invite to interview.

It’s perhaps unsurprising that most applicants will be rejected by the law firms they apply to. This is not your fault. The application process has a HUGE learning curve. You wouldn’t know that 90% of applicants get rejected because they are repeating the same points that other people mention, not answering a law firm-specific question correctly, or not ‘selling themselves’ enough.

And then there’s the time. You want to write applications. That’s not the problem. But it’s hard to juggle writing applications while studying or working or both(!). You see people around you who have secured training contracts and you’re starting to feel left behind. You really want this

I’ve long wished I could take each of you and coach you through the law firm application process. I learnt a lot in my application journey and in the last 6 years running TCLA.

I want to help you to get a training contract at your dream law firm in 2024/25.

Welcome to the TCLA Application Bootcamp.


Who this programme is for:


You want to secure a training contract at your dream law firm. You are an aspiring lawyer with a desire to make it past the application stage.


You are motivated to put in the work in the next three months. We’ll make sure you make more progress than you ever believed was possible.


You’re a student, graduate, career changer, UK or international applicant. Whether it’s first year schemes, vacation schemes or direct training contract applications, we can help you.

What this 4-month programme will do:

  1. Get you interviews! Our measure of success from our live training, small group accountability workshops and coworking sessions is whether you come out of this programme with law firm interviews.
  2. Write more applications to law firms than you believed was possible. Our bootcamp has been designed to help you work on the most important goal: writing applications to law firms you are interested in.
  3. Get access to exactly what you need to know about the law firm process. No more feeling lost or overwhelmed or not knowing what you’re missing out. If you’re working full time or studying, this bootcamp will tell you exactly what you need to know to make progress.
  4. Have unique reasons for applying to commercial law firms and for wanting to become a commercial lawyer. We’ve reviewed 5,000 law firm applications. We’ll show how to write your work experience, sell yourself in your cover letter and answer law firm commercial questions so you stand out.
  5. Join a close-knit of community all going through the process with you at the same time. You won’t be going through this process alone. You will experience the journey alongside other aspiring lawyers as we lift each other up.

3 weeks of live sessions, followed by small-group accountability training and firm-specific workshops

Our training sessions are all recorded, so you don't miss out if you can't attend the live sessions

Date Time Topic Description
16 September 2024 6pm Map out your application strategy You will learn how to make the most of the period before December, how to decide which law firms to apply to, and build an application tracker that allows you to write more applications.
18 September 2024 6pm How to research a law firm You will learn how to differentiate law firms in London, which sources to use to compile a fact file, how to work out a law firm’s competitors, and how to find information about a firm to help you stand out.
23 September 2024 6pm Why this firm? Why commercial law? You will learn how to translate your research into written form, how to determine which experiences to use, real examples of what makes a good answer to this question, and what points to mention when differentiating a law firm.
25 September 2024 6pm Why you? You will learn how to decide which experiences to write about, how to make sure you stand out among thousands of applications, how to answer competency and extra-curricular questions, and how to be specific through weak and strong examples.
30 September 2024 6pm Cover letters and work experience You will learn the most effective structure of a cover letter, how to adapt ‘why you?’ in a cover letter, exactly how to write your work experience section, and how to tailor your work experience to different law firms.
2 October 2024 6pm Live application review Watch me talk you through my thought process for reviewing an application, including the ideal application writing style, how good writing is in the editing process, and how to turn your existing answer into a stand-out answer.
9 October 2024 9:30am-1:30pm Live in-person event Networking, advice clinics, and application masterclass.
14 October to 15 December 2024 Multiple Coworking sessions Join live sessions during the week to block out time to write applications to specific law firms.
14 October to 15 December 2024 Multiple Weekly tribe meetings Every week, we run small group meetings to track your goals, give you tailored feedback, and help you to make progress.
14 October to 15 December 2024 Multiple Firm-specific workshops Every week, we run live firm-specific workshops, where we talk through how to answer specific law firm application questions. You can share with us your application for live feedback.


As someone who struggles to confidently express my thoughts on commercial concepts, I always find these sessions so helpful; they offer a perfectly balanced combination of encouragement, commercial insights, and useful advice. This session on M&A was particularly great. Vocalising the business concepts that I’ve been working through on paper is a perfect way to prepare for interviews, and this session on M&As covered a range of those concepts – ranging from accessible to challenging. Jaysen and Alice are also perfect leaders. They give everyone enough time to express their views – whilst also providing useful advice, and spot-on explanations every single time that they speak. I get so much out of these sessions; they are one of the best interactive resources – if not the best – for aspiring lawyers that I’ve seen around.


Starting the journey towards securing a training contract is scary because I did not know what to expect. I want to take time out to thank both of you for your extreme efforts to make the process a lot easier. It provided me with an insight into what I could expect at an assessment centre. Also, it made me realise how I can utilise my time further during the lockdown to increase my commercial awareness. The sessions enable me to apply my prior knowledge to scenarios and develop my team working skills virtually. It is incredibly useful receiving a guide after the session summarising the key points. It meant I could concentrate during the sessions and have a guide to look over and further my understanding to help me prepare for the real thing. I love hearing both of your experiences, especially Alice’s, regarding interviews and appreciate how you both provide tips throughout the sessions. Once again, Thank you!

Sign up until 15 September 2024

Each plan includes a Gold subscription

  • Application Bootcamp - All Access

  • 100 places available
  • £50/month
  • Billed every 6 months. Cancel at any time.
  • 3 weeks of live teachingLearn how to research law firms and write stand-out applications
  • 9 weeks of law firm-specific workshopsWeekly training sessions tailored to specific law firms
  • Accountability groups and co-working sessionsWeekly sessions to give you individual feedback and structure your application-writing
  • Application tracker and goal tracking systemMap out your goals this cycle so you make more progress
  • Monthly application reviewsGet an application reviewed line-by-line every month
  • Free 6-month Gold subscriptionGet access to all commercial awareness courses, law firm profiles and application guides
  • Join Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Application Bootcamp?

It’s a four month programme designed to get you past the application stage this year. The programme kicks off on the 16th September with three weeks of teaching (two sessions per week on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6pm), breaking down everything we’ve learned about the writing applications that stand out. It’s followed by weekly small-group accountability sessions, where we develop goal trackers and plan out your strategy between September and December 2024. Each week, we run law firm-specific training sessions, so you can understand how exactly to tackle different law firm application questions. We also run live co-working sessions, so you can join a group of students going through the application journey.

I can't make the live sessions. Are they recorded?

Yes they are! Don’t worry if you miss out on the live training sessions. These are recorded. In the small group sessions, you will be able to find a time slot that works best for your schedule.

I have an existing Gold subscription. What should I do?

You automatically get access to the bootcamp as part of a Gold subscription! But if you’d like to pay less over the course of the bootcamp, we’ll give you a discount on a longer-term package, so you pay £50/month and get a refund on your most recent payment.

If you’d like to take advantage of this:

  • Buy the application bootcamp package you prefer above
  • Once you have checked out, we’ll refund your most recent subscription payment in 1 working day. Simply complete this form.
Are the sessions virtual?

All the sessions are virtual, apart from our live in-person session on the 9th October 2024 running from 9:30am-1:30pm. This will be held in our offices at WeWork Canary Wharf, 30 Churchill Place. You will find the details about signing up to this event in our community.

Why should I join this programme?

This programme will suit you best if you want our fast-track service to getting a training contract. It gives us an opportunity to really work closely with you, tell you exactly what you need to know, and guide you to making more progress than you otherwise would. But you don’t need to sign up to this programme – you can 100% get a training contract without it. This service is perfect for those of you are working or studying at the same time and would like us to tell you exactly what you need to know.

What is the difference between the Standard and Personal Service options?

Think of the personal service option a little bit like personal training. You get the ‘premium service’ which means a fast-track response time, a 1-2-1 call to personally talk to you about your application strategy, and weekly check ins with Jaysen from October.

I have an existing Bronze subscription. What should I do?

As a thank you for being a bronze member, if you’d like to upgrade, we’ll issue you a refund of your recent subscription payment.

If you’d like to take advantage of this:

  • Buy the application bootcamp package you prefer above
  • Once you have checked out, we’ll refund your most recent subscription payment in 1 working day. Simply complete this form.